Ed – We’ve got so much to tell you so let’s get on with it eh!
Committee activity
At our recent meeting we discussed new members, club kit, community amateur sports club status, future events, Get Running graduation, volunteering, 10k round up and charity nominations. More on some of this later. We agreed to meet again on 26th July.
The Result Round Up
During the first bank holiday weekend we had an amazing turn out at the mid Sussex Weekend Marathon (too many to list here) with some members competing in all three events over three days to claim an incredible 4 piece medal! 10 miles on Saturday at East Grinstead, then 10 miles on Sunday (SGP and hj Challenge Trophy race) at Haywards Heath and finally a 10k at Burgess Hill. Horsham Joggers men’s team was the overall winner for the weekend races; team of David Jones, Duncan Meades and Matthew Mason. Also a special mention to young Alexa Wedesch Yokom, took part in all three Junior races over the marathon weekend. The 10 mile Challenge Trophy got the Lee-Wright treatment as Rich took the mens award (1.04.05) and wife Jess for the ladies (1.16.31). From the sublime to the ridiculous! Starting with the ridiculous! Early May also saw Horsham Joggers Ultra man Graham Clarke take on the challenge of the 3 forts marathon, a 30 mile very hilly race taking in Cissbury and Chanctonbury rings and Devil’s Dyke finishing in an excellent 4.48.05. Joggers were also travelling to far flung places as Finbarr Cotter compete
d in the Prague marathon (5.12) and Caroline Bransden and Viv Underhill in the Salzburg half marathon (2.13.59 & 2.14.54 respectively). 10 Joggers also competed at the West Sussex Fun Run league in the Hedgehoppers 5 at Portslade. In the SGP Shelly Garratt (38.41) Natasha Heasman (44.53) and Claire Burrows (51.09) took on the Hastings 5 mile road race.
Then it was our day……Horsham 10K! The race was fully booked to the race limit of 500 and on a very hot day 439 runners completed the 2 lap course. Huge thanks go to Race Director Paul Aylett, Race Secretary Claire Miller and Paul’s super team of helpers for making it such a great day! Horsham Joggers came first in both team events thanks to Richard Lee Wright, Simon Perkins, Rob Simmons, Jessica Lee Wright, Emma Walters and Miranda Huisman. Following that Paul Yokom (1.25.33), Mick Duploc
k and Mike Saunders (1.52.29) went to the Rye 10 and a huge contingent of 42 contributed to a 300+ field at the second running of the Run Wisborough Green 10k with Paul Oakley storming home 3rd in 37.29. On the 2nd bank holiday weekend the scenic Sussex Weald and London 10K races took place with some fantastic results. Then 12 intrepid joggers took on the South Downs Way 100mile Relay on 3rd June under th
e superb organisation of John Wilcox (complete with clipboard!). Vets team of captain Fiona Clifton, Geoff Pepper, Alan MacLachlan, Crispin Scott, Alan Pettitt and Brian Frost completed it in 14hrs and 14 mins while ladies team of captain Emma Comber, Jo Terry, Kate Short, Becky Rankin, Beck Elder and Shelly Garratt came in with 14hrs and 23mins on the clock. Congratulations to anyone who ran and represented the club during May and early June.
Summer Handicap 20th June
This coming week sees the new look summer handicap, on Tuesday 20th June, you can either assemble by the pond in Horsham park or jog down from BBHLC for 6.45pm. We will group you all in a similar way to the winter handicap based on your 5k time and then from 7.15 let off the groups to run the Horsham parkrun course, first over the line wins and will receive a trophy at awards night! If it’s a nice evening we can stay down for either a picnic or BBQ, hope to see lots of you there to support this new event! Free parking is available at Horsham Hospital after 6pm or within some local roads.
Runaway weekend
A group of runners are going to Brokenhurst to take part in the New Forest 10miler on Sunday 9th July (http://www.nf10.co.uk/) and the entry closes on 30th June with no entry on the day. Entry is £15 with a UKA number. Why not make a weekend of it with a nearby Parkrun on the Saturday as well!
Barns Green Half Marathon Training
Our favourite local half marathon will take place on Sunday 24 September this year. As usual, we’ll be providing a structured training plan to help you prepare for the race. This year it’s a 13-week programme, with the first Tuesday session on 27th June and the first Sunday run on 2nd July. Click this link for details: Barns Green training Summer 2017
The plan is suitable for runners of all speeds and levels of experience who are already confident over 10k or more. So if you haven’t quite got up to 10k yet, please use the next couple of weeks to add that extra mile or so to your training distance. If you don’t feel confident over this sort of distance yet, you can still join the fun; come and have a word with Coach Fiona before the end of June to discuss an appropriate variations to the plan.
WSFRL Arunners Beach Run – Carb loading!
For those signed up to this race on 12th July, we will be taking orders for a fish and chip supper afterwards along the harbour wall. Just speak to Diane Berry who has kindly offered to take orders and coordinate with the chip shop before and after the race. Orders must be in before the end of Sunday 9th July with money payable on the day. If you can’t hook up with Diane then just email info@hj and we’ll put you in touch.
Ride London Cycle Event
Phil Liberman is looking for Volunteers to help at this year’s Ride London event on Sunday 30th July. You will be based at the Hub at Leatherhead from about 8-3.30pm. We will be helping give put drinks and food to the competitors and it is a really fun and buzzing day! T shirts, caps and merchandise will be provided and lunch is laid on too, plus it earns money for the club! If you are interested email info@hj.
Get Running For 2017 Graduation
Congratulations to our latest recruits who graduated to their first 5k run yesterday at Horsham Parkrun! Leaders Kirsty and Saul were on hand to see them round with James giving encouragement on the side lines. Well done everyone and maybe we can look forward to seeing you prepare for your first 10k in a few months time?
Horsham 10k thanks
Once again the Horsham 10k proved its popularity with a full entry, fabulous feedback on social media and the newspapers and even sunshine! We send our sincere thanks to all the volunteers who came out to help especially the small organising committee charged with delivering a safe, fun and competitive day for all our guests. The provisional date for next year’s race is 20th May so if you think you have something to offer, why not put yourself forward as the new race director!
Everyone loves an offer and we don’t just have one but two for you all! Our friends at Hands On Sport Therapies at BBHLC are offering 5 half price massages to the first 5 people who put a 5* review either on Google or Facebook (if you have had a treatment from them)! Also; Alan Law from Alan Law Physiotherapy is coming to BBHLC on the 18th July from 8-9pm after our session to offer a free injury drop in clinic! So if you have any niggles or anything more serious or just want some good old fashioned self preservation advice, please come along! Both companies offer us a 10% on services and are local and Alan is giving his time free of charge for this clinic so please come along and support.
Membership subscriptions
If you haven’t already paid them, your annual hj subs are now well overdue and your membership will expire on 31st July. At just £10 for an individual and £20 for a family (2 adults and multiple U16’s living at the same address) it’s an absolute bargain! You are now able to pay these via the new MemberZone on the website. Just follow the link sent to all current members by email and login to enjoy our webshop. If you can’t login, please let us know via info@hj.
Not getting a link this newsletter by email?
You’ve paid your membership, we’ve enrolled you into the MemberZone but you didn’t get a link to our newsletter updates? There’s just one more thing you need to do; Go back to the home page, scroll to the bottom, enter your name and email address and click SUBSCRIBE and we promise not to overwhelm you with junk. Job done!
Discover the West Sussex Fun Run League
Are you still missing out on a great experience? Our participation is way below other clubs so why not see the fabulous West Sussex countryside, and enjoy the companionship of your fellow joggers. Come and join us at West Sussex Fun Run League races. You will be able to add it to your list of achievements. Entry fee £3.00 in advance via the MemberZone, or see Jenny Boyd with cash. £5.00 to enter on the day (subject to availability). For forthcoming races see the dates for your diary section below.
Nominated Charities
Every year hj are privileged enough to tot up the proceeds from various events and try to give something back to local charities and good causes. This year we want to ask you for your nominations. So if you feel that there is another club or good cause which would benefit from a bit of financial help, why not tell us by emailing details to info@hj and the committee will discuss this when we meet in July.
Dates for your diary
20th June – hj summer handicap & BBQ, Horsham Park
24th June – Downland Dash (WSFRL)
25th June – Heathfield 10k (SGP)
2nd July – Bewl 15m (SGP)
5th July – Roundhill Romp (WSFRL)
11th July – Beat the Tide 10k **EVENT NOW FULL**
12th July – Phoenix 10k (SGP)
12th July – Arunners Beech Run (WSFRL)
19th July – Wakehurst Willow 8k **EVENT NOW FULL**
26th July – Bexhill 5k (SGP)
30th July – Seven Stiles (WSFRL)
***Save the date ***
28th Aug – Annual hj Horsham Round and Summer BBQ
We’re always looking for help with keeping the club on track (no pun intended!) so if you have time and skills to volunteer, please contact us at info@hj. Go on, we’re certain that you’ll love giving something back to the club once you dip your toes in the water. Our very own Gunpowder Trot is coming up on 5th November and we need to fill some key roles as part of the organising group:
- Race Secretary
- Chief Steward
- Start/Finish Supervisor
- Junior race director
- Supplies coordinator
Further roles such as marshalling will be advertised closer to the date. Please keep the date free as we need your support and it takes over 70 people to make this great event happen. Speak to a committee member or email info@hj to get involved.
Bye for now 😉