Run and Talk – or Just Talk
I don’t know about you but, if I’m injured and out of action, I find it quite difficult to look at Strava, or the HJ Facebook page. The frustration at being unable to run is heightened by the sight of all those miles being logged by my fellow runners. This came up in discussion on Sunday just past when the HJ mental health champions met at Horsham Park as part of the ongoing effort to showcase the club as a welcome environment for everyone, regardless of ability.
It’s fair to say that this hour-long experience forced us to confront any tendency to self-consciousness. When you’re doing drills that make you look like socially distanced morris dancers, and members of the public (and indeed members of Horsham Joggers) are pointing and staring at you in open puzzlement, you can’t let it bother you.
Only one person who wasn’t already a member turned up, which was fewer than was hoped for but possibly more than expected. All power to the young lady, who joined in with a smile, and expressed genuine gratitude at the end of the session. Not long arrived in Horsham from Brazil she was looking for a way to meet people and get back into exercise. It was worth everyone being there to be able to extend a welcome.
It prompted a chat about the social lifeline that running with a club can provide – and the fact that this lifeline is required even (and possibly especially) when people are injured and unable to participate. So it’s important to flag that the first Tuesday of every month, which is designated for a Run and Talk get-together at The Bridge leisure centre, is open to all members even if you’re sidelined for a while.
Come down and have a warm drink anyway and chat to your fellow Joggers. Everyone knows what it’s like to be out of action. You can explain and complain, they can offer tea and sympathy.
We can call it a ‘Whingery Clinic’
Talk, Talk – Life’s What You Make It
We have two slightly more structured talking events coming up, while we’re about it.
On 27th October, and related to what we’ve just been discussing, Tony Schofield of Hands On Sports Therapy will be giving a talk on common running injuries, looking at both prevention and treatment. Look out for the details coming soon (and check out his article below…).
The second talk might be subtitled ‘Butter Wouldn’t Melt’. Endurance athlete Nick Butter, who has become the first person to run a marathon in every country in the world – and there are 196 of them! – will be giving an exclusive talk to HJ members on Thursday October 7th. Nick is in the midst of his ‘Inspire Tour’ and can also share stories of another recent feat – completing 200 marathons in 128 days running round the coast of Britain.
To reserve your free place, use the booking link below.
Time: 18:15 for 18:30 start
Venue: Horsham Sports Club, Cricket Field Rd, Horsham RH12 1TE
First come first served and numbers will be limited.

Join The Guides
Now, here’s a worthwhile opportunity. England Athletics are delivering a number of Sight Loss Awareness and Guide Running workshops across the country over the next three months, designed to enable people to support visually impaired (VI) runners by acting as a guide runner and promoting VI-friendly athletics and running opportunities. There is a cost associated, but it could be borne by the club if any members are interested. While there are currently no courses scheduled locally the club may also consider paying travel and accommodation costs, depending on demand.
A Bridge Too Far
It has been noted that some members would like to see a little more variety in terms of club run starting times and locations. So on the third Tuesday of every month the Run Leaders are going to post their planned sessions to the Facebook group and on other social sites. Session details will include pace, start-time, and meeting point. It is possible that mixing things up in this way will reveal where all the Run Leaders live.
Well I’ll be dog gone
We have had some enquiries recently about bringing dogs and buggies (presumably containing children, but possibly also containing dogs) along to organized HJ events. Sadly we are not able to accommodate this, unless specifically stated (for example, if an event were designated ‘canine cross’).
This is partly due to insurance reasons and partly to do with the fact that we are trying to mitigate against some frustrating Google search confusion with Horsham Doggers – an unrelated organization but one which, somewhat unhelpfully, is also understood to convene occasionally at The Bridge car park.
It’s time for Swiss (Ball) Tony!
Thanks once again to Tony at Hands on Sports Therapy (based at The Bridge) for supplying another excellent piece on running health!
Hi everyone, in my first post last time around I briefly spoke about how we can pick up niggles and injuries and the relationship between `Load` and `Capacity`. One of the ways to help reduce this was to go through some simple strengthening exercises.
Strengthening is such an important part in anyone’s training, it has the potential
to reduce your injury risk by correcting muscle imbalances and improving muscle
activation, as well as increasing the efficiency of your running biomechanics which
results in improved running performance.
Now, quite often when I advise someone to go through some strengthening they
immediately think they’re going to have to join a gym or go out and buy some
special equipment. But this simply isn’t the case, you just need a bit of guidance.
So how often should we be doing something? I would say if you can manage to
find 30 minutes 2-3 times a week it’s a great starting point and you will see some
positive benefits. For those runners out there that run 5-6 times a week I often get
asked how can they fit these extra sessions in? Even if you can find time for one
session each week it’s better than not doing anything at all. Now, this may be
controversial for some but if you are still struggling to fit a strength session in, then
in my opinion, you will get more benefit from dropping a run to put that strength
session in!
Here are my best exercises for runners.
1. Calf Raise
You can progress this by completing single leg rather than both at the same time. You can also do this with a slight bend to the knee to engage your Soleus muscle.If you wanted to add some further load then hold onto something or put a rucksack on with a few heavy books in, anything really to make yourself heavier!
2. Single Leg Bridge
Ensure you squeeze your buttocks throughout the movement and push through your heel to lift up. If this is a struggle then complete initially on both feet and work up to a single leg movement. To get your Core muscles working try folding your arms across your chest rather than on the floor as shown in the picture.
3. Bird Dog
Tighten up your abdominals for this one and try to keep the body as still as you can not allowing the balance to sway left and right. If you master this then try to make small circles with your
hands and feet while in the outstretched position.
4. Crab Walk
Sit yourself down into a ¼ squat position but don’t let the knees come forwards, instead stick your bum back. While maintaining this position step as wide as you can to one side. Make sure you don’t scuff or slide your feet when steeping and try to maintain that squat position. You’ll definitely feel it in the glutes!
5. Resisted Hip Extension
Bend the knee on the standing leg a little more than is shown on the picture. The moving leg
should be extended backwards but also out to the side, at a 45 degree angle.
6. Goblet Squat
Keep your weight to your mid foot or heel rather than on the ball of your foot. Try to sit down onto an imaginary chair without allowing your knees to come too far forward and maintaining an upright body position. You don’t need a dumbbell/kettlebell, you can use a bag of spuds or similar!
7. Single Leg Squat with Isometric Hip Abduction
Ready to work hard on this one?! With the ball placed in position gently apply pressure with your bent leg into the ball, this creates an isometric contraction and you should feel it in the outer Glute. Once you feel this sit down on the standing leg maintaining weight through the heel not allowing your knee to travel too far forward. Also make sure your standing leg doesn’t drop inwards.
The above exercises are my personal favourites that I give out as rehab to help runners strengthen. They’re not a one size fits all so if you give these a try and – if you feel any issues – then stop and get in touch. If you’re struggling with pain or injury prior to doing any of these then please don’t attempt these in the hope it will make you better, get things looked at properly by a professional. I would always recommend starting the exercises with 6 repetitions over 2 sets and gradually build up to a maximum of 10-12 reps x 3 sets.
Give them a go and let me know what you think.
Thanks for reading,
Hands On Sports Therapy
Thanks as always to Chris for compiling the results. Please note it was not possible to sort the Brighton Half and Marathon results according to club so we could not be sure to identify everyone. So congratulations to everyone who took part in Brighton – particularly in the longer race which, technically, surely qualified as an Ultra Marathon this year. Let’s hope they have enough money in the pot for a new trundle wheel.
- 14 Horsham Joggers attended the Littlehampton 10k in early September. Starting along the promenade the run takes in central Littlehampton and residential Rustington before a stunning seafront finish near the iconic East Beach Cafe. Chip Times: Stephen Entecott 00:52:33, Barnaby Smith 01:29:41, Jane Footer 01:07:36, Warren Marks 00:50:03, Kath Barnes 01:03:52, Penny Sanders , Lee Jestico 00:36: 05, Lisa Jestico 00:57:29, Debby Scull 01:22:48, Ian Hines 01:27:22, Andrew Puttick 00:39:53, Michelle Hepple-Haines 00:50:05 , Emma Chapman 00:58:46 & Tracey Jones 01:08:48
- 12 Horsham Joggers attended the Arundel 10k run. Starting in Arundel Park, the route enters the grounds of Arundel Castle via the St Marys Gate and then exits over the drawbridge into the park for the finish and combines a mixture of tarmac and grass track. Runners chip times David Jones 00:42:39, Louise Johnson 01:00:47, Lorraine Hunter 01:04:27, Chris Wigby 00:44:11, Alan Pettitt 00:48:53, Sue Hensman 01:09:48, Andy Jefford 01:01:58, Christine Velarde 01:10:58, Claire Tilson 01:12:49, Karl Anderson 01:03:26, Linda Morris 01:44:44 & Jane Adams 01:16:31
- James Tombs and Chris Yeomans attended Marks 200th Marathon on the Highdown hill by Sussex Trail events to complete 10 loops with over 3000 ft of elevation. Watch times: James Tombs 04:09:34 & Chris Yeomans 04:31:37.
- The Rye Ancient Trails race took place on Sunday, September 12th 2021. This scenic and challenging 30km multi-terrain race starts and finishes in the medieval town of Rye, East Sussex. The single-lap route winds its way through ancient woodland, orchards and farmland on trails, footpaths and quiet country lanes, linking the Norman churches of Rye, Iden, Beckley, Northiam and Peasmarsh – a true steeplechase! 30k: Ian Wilcox 03:47:57 & Rob Jochimsen 03:55:57. 15:k Julie Jochimsen 01:50:13
ED Whilst we try to include as many of you as possible in the results round-up, we will not always capture everyone. If you would like a mention, or know someone who should be recognised for their running achievements, please do let us know!
Also, huge thanks to Roger Johnson for organising a fantastic Horsham Round on August Bank Holiday Monday, and well done to everyone who ran or supported. It was great to see so many HJers together in one place again! We hope you enjoyed the day, and the fantastic food afterwards.
HJ Committee Meeting
Chichester Half Marathon
Heron Way 10k
London Marathon
South of England Athletic Association AGM (papers available, contact club)
1800 – 1900
England Athletics pre-AGM Board webinar
Details here
Brighton Half Marathon
Guildford 10k
Downslink Ultra
Great South Run
England Athletics AGM
ED: in the last newsletter you would have hopefully read about our inaugural Tony Johnson Award, which was presented to Steve Wright after his efforts for Team HJ during the South Downs Way Relay back in July.
Steve was honoured to receive the award and to keep Tony’s memory alive at an event that he loved.
Steve is pictured below with team captain Paul Davis.
Big thanks also to Paul Aylett for his superb craftsmanship in making the fantastic trophy.

Thank you as always to Mike Hibberd for another great news round-up!
If there is anything you would like featured in the next newsletter, or a special mention for someone, please drop us a line!