Club Records

Here are the age category records for 5k, 10k, 10 mile, Half Marathon and Marathon distances for Horsham Joggers. Many thanks to Marcus Leach for collating these.

Last Updated, 23/03/25.

If you have run faster and want to claim a record, please email with your race result and proof of the time (for example, a link to the results from the race).

Eligibility Criteria

  • The time recorded is the chip time from an officially measured and verified race. Strava times will not be accepted.
  • Proof of age at the time the race occurred must be provided.
  • Horsham Joggers must be your first claim club, and you must have run the event as a Horsham Jogger, and not for another club.
  • Gender at birth determines your eligibility for the male or female category age records.