A group of people wearing Mexican hats

HJ Newsletter August – September

I mentioned in my last newsletter that the Olympics and Paralympics were likely to be inspirational, and they didn’t fail to deliver. Team GB produced some excellent results, and usually that has a positive knock-on effect for us runners.

Whatever our distance, speed, personal goals or reasons for running you could not help but be lifted by watching some of those amazing events unfold.

Talking of amazing events, the Horsham Round was fabulous this year. I note this below but it’s also worth pointing out here too. Most running clubs (certainly few of the size of our club, which is now the size of a small business) have such a wonderful group of members and volunteers who can make an event like that such a joyous occasion. A wonderful way to mark our 40th anniversary.

I’m scaling down the number of races/results reported in the Newsletter a little. We now do so many as a club, with so much already recorded on HJ Runs on Facebook that it makes sense to focus on just a few events over the period.

A while ago, I did think about arranging a podcast with individual club members to record and post on HJ Runs, especially as we have such a range of members with fascinating backgrounds and history. I’d always prefer a 1-2-1 verbal discussion with someone rather than trying to communicate on Messenger or WhatsApp where things can be misconstrued.

For example, if on Messenger someone says something like “I can’t stand reading” then effectively you have two options as a reply, either “Yes, I struggle to pick up a book too” or, more worryingly, “Yes, ghastly place with lots of concrete structures built in the 60s and 70s. Place should be knocked down”.

And then you find you have offended the person you are chatting to, subsequently finding out they are born and bred Reading, have an all-over body tattoo of Reading town centre, and are also on the local council and likely approved the very buildings you’ve now told them you dislike.  

Anyway, happy reading…

Unsung Hero – Simon Perkins

This edition’s unsung hero is Simon Perkins.

Several of you will know Simon anyway, from his great help at Parkrun as both a leader and a volunteer (and a fast 5k runner!), from his help leading various courses such as the 5-10k and some of the other training activities we do as a club. He’s also done this for many years and as a club we would like to thank him for his hard work and endeavour, often giving up his own time to help others achieve their goals.

Now a representative for the club at GB Masters level, Simon is inspirational for both new joiners to the club and those of us that have been here many years.

Thank you, Simon.

Simon Perkins with cake
Simon Perkins with his world famous (or certainly Horsham famous) cake

Christmas Party at Brookfield Barn – 6th December (sign up NOW to get a place!)

On Friday, 6th December we have the Christmas party at Brookfield Barn which is a ticket only event (not subsidised by the club).  Tickets are already selling fast.

Your ticket includes a 3-course meal, wine on arrival, half a bottle of wine per person, teas and coffees and mince pies, along with a photobooth and a DJ playing until midnight.

Tickets are now available on memberzone, and remember you can also purchase tickets for non-members (such as spouses etc).

Brookfield Barn need to know final numbers by mid-October so please sign up now if you haven’t already. After the fun at the Horsham Round Disco the night of the Christmas party is now eagerly anticipated!

40th Anniversary Celebrations and Horsham Round Weekend

A simply brilliant day and night. So many runners took part in the event during the day, and it was also fabulous to see a number of the original HJ club members be a part of the day too.

A few endurance runners even managed to complete the entire Horsham Round, including the legendary Dave Dawson who arguably has more historic HJ memorabilia and photos than the rest of us put together.

The evening Disco was also a great occasion. I’m sure most runners’ step counts were higher on the dance floor they were running the distance covered that day. It certainly kept my energy levels in check, though I certainly didn’t anticipate dancing with Morrissey or Adam Ant beforehand.

Talking of which, the unplanned, off-the-cuff dance-off between Florian Yeates and Joe Minogue was fantastic to witness.

The following day saw breakfast, yoga and then some rounders to cap off a wonderful weekend of activities.

Thank you so much to everyone but particularly the volunteers who made sure it was a special event.

A group of people
Former HJ club legends reunite at the Horsham Round

A group of people wearing Mexican hats
Current HJ Club legends complete the entire Horsham Round

Runs and Races

Here’s a selection of the runs and races which various hj’ers have taken part in, a number of which seem to have taken place on the same day!

West Sussex Fun Run League

The WSFRL continued during the summer with the Highdown Hike, Fittleworth Flyers and then the Tilgate 5.  

It was pleasing to hear all hj’ers completed the correct course unlike last year, where the front runners were taken on an almighty detour around Crawley. This time the organisers got the route bang on and it was lucky they did as four hj’ers came home in the top ten. Michael Daly won the event (30.33), Lewis Reeves was 3rd (31.55), Luke Minogue 6th (32.42) and Simon Perkins 10th (33.20). Anna McLauchlan was first female hj’er home in 40.25.

Great running by all that took part.  We have moved up to third place in the overall table for this year, which is fabulous.

Time Trial (Roosthole)

The final time trial race took place on 13th August and the overall results will be shared shortly.

Bacchus Half Marathon (Denbies) – 8th September

Some weird and wonderful outfits were worn by runners at the Bacchus Half Marathon at Denbies. Clearly the option of having a few drinks may have had something to do with the clothing worn, and I’m not sure any PBs were set (unless it was based on alcohol consumed?). Well done everyone.

Four people in fancy dress
The Bacchus four, dressed appropriately

Great North Run – 8th September

Well done to all hj’ers who took part in the Great North Run on 8th September, with  conditions thankfully a lot cooler than last year’s event. In particular well done to new hj’er Beth Stapleton who ran with Dad and fellow hj’er Alex. The Half Marathon training sessions clearly paid off.

Beth and Alex Stapleton, after a very wet Great North Run
Beth and Alex Stapleton, after a very wet Great North Run

New Forest races – 8th September

A range of hj’ers completed the New Forest events on 8th September, with individuals completing the 5k, 10k, Half and full marathon events in very wet weather. Big shout out to regular Tuesday night runner Josh Weller who ran his first ever marathon too.

Josh Weller after running his first ever Marathon
Josh Weller after running his first ever Marathon

Alf Shrubb 10k – 15th September

A large contingent of hj’ers took part in the newly revived Alf Shrubb 10k over at Slinfold, with hj’ers the main team of volunteers ensuring this event went ahead again.

Congratulations on this being such a success, and well done to everyone who completed the race. Our very own Michael Daly won the race, and Mark Alger continued his superb form by finishing 3rd place.

In particular Lorraine Hunter, who was the Tail Walker for the 10k, showed fantastic determination after suffering a bad fall recently. This kind of achievement is inspiring for anyone who may be returning from injury. Well done Lorraine.

Lorraine Hunter crossing the finish line
Lorraine Hunter crossing the finish line

Hellingly 10k – 22nd September (Sussex Grand Prix event)

Following on from the club’s success at the Alf Shrubb, the Sussex Grand Prix race at Hellingly saw Melissa Galea come through as 2nd placed lady overall … flying through the finish line in 43.35.

Berlin Marathon – 29th September

Liz Giannopoulos completed her 5th World Major Marathon with a stonking PB at Berlin, running a terrific 4.26.20 to smash her previous PB by over 8 minutes. Another great achievement by Liz, well done!!!

Liz ringing the bell in Berlin
Liz ringing the new PB bell in Berlin

Barns Green 5k, 10k and Half Marathon – 29th September

A humungous number of hj’ers turned up to run the Barns Green races at the end of September. This popular local race didn’t fail to deliver, with some terrific performances across all the events.

In the 5k, Lucinda Potten ran 23.26 and (I think) was our sole representative in that race although I do spot a couple of other potential hj’ers on the results.

In the 10k, Miranda Huisman was 3rd in her age category (F50-59) with 47.41, Caroline Bransden 2nd in her age category (F70+) with 59.22, and Steve Wilson – who has shown incredible recovery coming back from triple heart by-pass surgery last year – won the M70 category with an outstanding 54.01.

In the Half Marathon, Rob Brundish – on his return from injury – came 2nd overall and won the M40-49 with 1.14.50, Kat Owens was 1st in the female 40-49 category with 1.30.59, closely followed by Melissa Galea who was 3rd in 1.32.32.

Simon Perkins was 2nd in M50-59 in 1.20.32, and Mike Clark was 2nd in M70+ in 1.47.47.

Across the board at BG, people were smashing personal achievements. There’s far too many to mention so here’s just a couple it’s a huge well done to super volunteer Matt Horne who dipped under 2 hours for the first time, Frankie Bailey who ran a 12 min HM PB (and 18 min course PB) going through the Half Marathon in 1.43.36.

A few well-known club runners also set personal milestones by running their first ever half marathons, Marcus Leach and Trevor Scott being two of them. Both are in the 60+age category and to be honest I’m totally awe-struck by people like this, setting personal achievements which you can tell meant so much to both of them. It’s what running is all about.  

Well done to you both, and anyone else who set personal records, goals, or just scrambled across the finish line at the event.

Also a big shout out to all the pacers across the 10k and Half Marathon, you are all stars.

A large group photo of runners
HJ’ers at Barns Green for the 5k, 10k and Half Marathon

TG Lage – Visit from Germany (weekend of 27/28/29 September)

Huge thanks to our twinned running club TG Lage, who cycled from Germany to Horsham as part of meeting Horsham Joggers for our 40th anniversary.

James Munden accompanied the cyclists on their final section, ending in the Carfax. Despite the mixed weather conditions, they arrived in good spirits.

James Munden with TG Lage on their arrival at the Carfax
James Munden with TG Lage on their arrival at the Carfax

Half Marathon Training

Huge thanks must go to all volunteers involved with the HJ Half Marathon training sessions which have taken place on Sunday mornings since July.

In particular, thanks go to Matthew Horne, Marcus Leach and Lee Walker for taking control (in most instances!) of these runs. Thanks all.

Membership News

There are currently 637 members, of which 196 who are EA affiliated.

If anyone ever wants to know more about EA affiliation then please feel free to ask any of the Committee, or your fellow hj’ers, for an explanation into how this works and whether joining is suitable for you.

Social Events

Please check out the calendar and the ‘dates for your diary’ below for more social events (and runs) coming up!

Gunpowder Trot – 3rd November

We need volunteers as we are hosting the Gunpowder Trot on 3rd November. This is the last of the West Sussex Fun Run League races for 2024 so let’s make ours the best one yet!

Winter Handicap and Awards Evening – Tuesday, 26th November

The winter handicap followed by the Awards evening is due to take place at Horsham Sports Club (Cricketfield Road) between 7 and 9pm on 26th November.

If anyone wants to return the award they received last year to enable them to be re-loved by a new award winner this year, please can you hand it back to a Committee member on either a Tuesday club run or at track on a Thursday.

Christmas Party – Friday, 6th December

As noted earlier in the newsletter, please move fast to secure a ticket for the Christmas party as we need to get final numbers in to Brookfield Barn in October. There are details on hj runs of the food options available, and also for any seating plans you may wish.

Dates for Your Diary

  • 6th October – Heron Way 10k
  • 6th October – Lewes Downland 10 miler (Sussex Grand Prix)
  • 13th October – WSFRL Great Walstead 5
  • 19th October – Parkrun Away Day – Cranleigh
  • 20th October – Hove Prom 10k (Sussex Grand Prix)
  • 20th October – WSFRL Windlesham House 4
  • 27th October – WSFRL Steepdown Challenge
  • 3rd November – WSFRL Gunpowder Trot – this is our race
  • 17th November – Brighton 10k
  • 17th November – Crowborough 10k
  • 26th November – Winter Handicap followed by Awards Night (Horsham Sports Club 7-9 pm)
  • 30th November – Parkrun Away Day – Littlehampton
  • 6th December – Christmas Party and Disco

I hope everyone has a nice couple of months and see you again very soon!

Be lucky.

Simon Holmes