
We welcome all new members to join us on any club night and try us out for a couple of sessions to make sure you are happy. Assuming you are, then we ask you to join us as described below.


For new members there is a one-off joining fee of £5 payable at the start.
The types of annual membership are as follows:-

  • Individual Annual Membership – £10
  • Family Membership – £20
    (for children under 18)
  • England Athletics Affiliation Fee (for races) – £20

Membership Subscriptions are due on 1st April each year. Members joining before 1st April in that year are not required to pay a further subscription until the following year.

You are also entitled to a range of additional benefits, as detailed here

Join Us

Please complete and submit the automated form below. The membership secretary will then contact you to request payment of the joining and annual membership fees by bank transfer.

***Please note that if payment is not received after one month of our request, your application for membership will be rejected***